The Madison Metropolitan School District is like many districts around the country with growing pressures to educate all kids for 21st century living, dwindling federal resources for local communities, and a growing disconnect in the community. Our board deals with many of the same issues as others throughout the country.
At my schoolcast, I have interviewed local city council members about their schools and how they impact their neighborhoods and brought attention to examples of good board professional development. Some topics require several hours to research, formulate, and edit into a "show." It takes a bit of time to explain to the average person how the complicated process of school budgets works, or doesn't work, for school districts and the kids they serve.
I have also attempted to explain wide-ranging, but nevertheless complicated, national issues such as No Child Left Behind.
I've posted research and opinions on single issues such report cards (our district has been changing how it reports to parents over the past few years) and policy issues (we asked a task force to look at our policy on Equity as well).
One thing I find missing on my podcast web page is the continuous flow of communication and insights into the day to day struggle of those of us serving on boards of education in America today.
I have always felt that public education and democracy can only work for the vast majority of us if we are willing to participate in the dialogue and embrace the struggle.
This blog represents the daily musings of one board member on a Board of Education (of 7). I hope it will inspire you to think about education and to risk getting involved.