I attended the Dane County Public Affairs Council (DCPAC) meeting last week where Superintendent Dan Nerad spoke on the future direction of the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD).
The audience was generally receptive to his observation that the job of the district is to balance the needs of kids with the needs of taxpayers. It's clear he believes that an investment in education is an investment in our future.
Nerad's style (or strategy) for his first 100 days has been to communicate, listen and learn from the community. It's about time that we have a superintendent who gets out in the community.
At the DCPAC meeting, Nerad said he would hope to begin working with the board on a new strategic plan for MMSD come January. I have to say, I find it hard to wait. Our committees haven't met for months and it seems that we are in a holding pattern until after November 4th.
Early details on the dynamic plan that's in store for the MMSD could include a number of topics, Nerad said, to be addressed:
1. Re-visiting early learning opportunities for children in our district; and hopefully, with a broad consortium including the business community.
2. The Small Learning Communities (SLC) grant could be used to start the long awaited conversation with the community about what outcomes and programs we want from our high school programs. Nerad mentioned a need to be more responsive to help more kids graduate and to focus on such ideas as workforce development.
3. In addition to academic improvements, the superintendent would like to address (perhaps with the SLC grant money) improved school safety, a response system and safety plan.
4. Review the Math Task Force Report.
5. Review the Fine Arts Task Force Recommendations.
It's great to look at these issues with a long-term perspective in mind. I am looking forward to beginning this work.
What would you want for our strategic plan?